Garden State Parkway. Exit list for the Garden State Parkway (GSP). Find amenities, dining and service options, including available fuel types, electric-car charging options, RV and trucker services.

Map of the Garden State Parkway, which connects North Jersey and New York to the towns along the Jersey Shore. •Interchanges with entrances and exits on both directions of traffic are marked.
Exit graphics courtesy of Jeff Taylor and Scott Oglesby.
The low-stress way to find your next garden state parkway job opportunity is on SimplyHired. The Garden State Parkway (GSP) is a controlled-access highway that stretches the length of New Jersey from the state's southernmost tip near Cape May to the New York state line at Montvale. Phil Murphy on Wednesday night gave his official approval to toll hikes on the New Jersey Turnpike, the Garden State Parkway and the Atlantic City Expressway.