Garden Spiders

Garden and Patio Ideas

Garden Spiders. Garden spiders are a genus in the family Araneidae, known as orb-weaver spiders. Garden spiders live, on average, for one year, although some females can live for several years if they live in areas that don't have hard frosts (a frequent killer of garden spiders).

Garden Spider Facts & Control: Get Rid of Garden Spiders
Garden Spider Facts & Control: Get Rid of Garden Spiders (Margaret Watts)
Around five millimetres in length, they are small compared to others found in the home. Garden spiders may attack humans if there is a perceived threat, or when squeezed or pinched against human skin. It's just that cats are so much cleaner, quieter, cuter, and better.

These spiders are not aggressive, however, and will rarely bite a human.

Spiders can be beneficial in the yard or garden by keeping the insect population down, particularly ones that can spread disease, such as mosquitoes, flies, fleas and roaches.

Spiders | Canton Georgia Termite & Pest Control

Garden Spider | NatureSpot

6 Biggest Spiders in Florida | Owlcation

Don’t Be Spooked by Spiders | North Carolina Cooperative ...

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Black-And-Yellow Garden Spider | Sonoran Images

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Garden Spider

Garden Spider | Philip Schwarz Photography Blog

The name arachind comes from Greek mythology. Spiders in the garden construct flat webs between plants, even across garden paths, or along window or doorframes. Because they are not aggressive spiders, it is rare that one would actually bite a human.