Raised Garden Bed Plans. Bending and kneeling becomes more difficult as we age (or develop chronic health conditions) and since gardening requires a lot of both, sometimes growing fresh food and flowers is stopped. Carve out a square shape, create square-foot squares, line them up, and start planting!

The soil in a raised bed doesn't dry out as fast as it does in a regular garden.
More: Step-by-step: Build the ultimate raised bed With this corrugated metal raised garden bed, you get the best of both worlds — the wonderful garden function and a beautiful addition to your yard.
If you've been thinking about growing vegetables, a raised garden bed is the perfect way to achieve this without tearing up your existing lawn. With good drainage, protection from weeds and many pests, plus well-aerated soil perfectly blended to encourage growth, raised beds are a great choice for those with limited space, soil or sunlight restrictions or just an appreciation for higher yields from less effort. So, if you have something you want to plant that might be taller then plant them on the bottom.