Fireflies In The Garden. The story seems as though someone threw the script up in the air with the fireflies in the garden (a quite beautiful moment in the film that suggest the night gardens of John Singer Sergent's `Carnation Lily, Lily Rose'), shot it full of holes and then reassembled it the next groggy morning. It might have been more effective if it had followed a chronological order.

Whether you call them fireflies or lightning bugs, you probably have memories of running around with childlike glee and catching them in a jar as a kid.
Find out how they can benefit the garden and how to protect this endangered species.
Correspondingly, "Fireflies in the Garden" at once provides a depiction of nature and of human development, using the relationship between stars and fireflies to illustrate the transition from. With Ryan Reynolds, Willem Dafoe, Emily Watson, Carrie-Anne Moss. Despite boasting a stellar cast, Fireflies in the Garden is just tedious, dull and predictable melodrama.