Organic Gardening. Pesticide- and chemical-free gardens can produce fruits, vegetables and herbs that are safe to eat and taste better. Organic gardening means you won't use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, but that doesn't mean your plants fend for themselves.
Organic gardening is the art of growing anything you plant in a yard or garden without the use of any pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. Learning to recognize Family characteristics (flower forms, etc.) can reveal some surprises. You can safely grow plants in a variety of containers, as long as you follow the principles of organic.
Howard Garrett is one of the leaders in the research, education and promotion of natural organic gardening, landscaping, pet health and pest control and how to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.
Growing Your Greens is the most watched gardening show on youtube.
At MOTHER EARTH NEWS you will find sustainable living articles covering organic gardening, DIY projects, renewable energy, natural health, livestock, and more. Organic Gardening Information is a culmination of all my years of organic gardening. Today I go through in detail how to start a Permaculture Back to Eden Garden.