World Naked Gardening Day. It's about taking in every shade of green imaginable through your eyes, and gazing into the middle distance to find. Every person on the globe who loves both flowers and fig leaves will be tip-toeing through the tulips with nary a stitch on this Saturday.

It was originally held in September but was later moved to May so it would fall just before International Permaculture Day (which is the first Sunday of May).
Put the leaves in your compost or make leaf mould, which is great to add to.
If you didn't know, World Naked Gardening Day is a fun, positive and lighthearted movement designed to celebrate the human body and nature, and the benefits that combining the two can bring. I suggest some of the gardening tools for y'all. People across the globe are encouraged, on the first Saturday of May, to tend their portion of the world's garden unclothed as nature intended.