Kubota Garden. Today, it is maintained as a public park by the Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Kubota Garden Foundation. Kubota Gardens is a wonderful public garden modeled after a Japanese Garden.
The Garden is owned by the City of Seattle and maintained by the Department of Parks & Recreation. Our T series, and GR series Kubota riding mowers will take only minutes to learn to drive, but hours to pull yourself away from. All of the paths are well marked and while there's some narrow areas and rocks and steps, it wasn't too hard to navigate.
The ZD series provides comfort and fast working.
A stunning twenty acres of hills and valleys, the Kubota Garden features streams, waterfalls, ponds, rock outcroppings and an exceptionally rich and mature collection of plant material.
Wish we had because it is great! The following Kubota equipment has been salvaged for used parts. It's clean, large, free entry and parking and we'll maintained.