House And Garden Nutrients. House & Garden nutrients have an entirely new composition, structure, and method of preparation. ProductsGet to know the entire House & Garden line of Premium Plant Nutrients and Additives PRODUCTSGet to know the entire House & Garden line of Premium Plant Nutrients and Additives Base Nutrients Aqua Flakes A&B Aqua Flakes A&B provides the highest quality, fully soluble nutrients designed specifically for recirculating hydroponic applications.

The man behind it all, William Van de Zwaan came from a family of horticultural experts.
During this time House & Garden became reliable and successful supplier of growing products for many growers.
House and Garden Aqua Flakes A & B - House & Garden Aqua Flakes A & B provides the highest quality, fully soluble nutrients designed specifically for recirculating hydroponic applications. House and Garden is expensive but typically less than advanced and house and garden is also probably the cleanest nutrient hands down meaning no build up of nutrients in lines or resevoirs. Cleans any salt build up so no flush needed until end..